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Your ultimate guide on solution Dynamics 365: Understanding managed and unmanaged solutions

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations seek to streamline operations through CRM and ERP systems. Microsoft Dynamics solutions offer immense flexibility, allowing companies to customize their systems to meet unique business requirements.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into managed solutions, unmanaged solutions, and everything in between to help you get the most out of Dynamics 365. This blog has been written as your ultimate guide to understanding solutions in Dynamics 365 and all the technical terms such as solution publisher, managed and unmanaged solutions, how to create one for your business and more.

So, without further ado, we invite you to dive into our blog and discover everything related to this great functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

What is a solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365?

A solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365 is essentially a package of customizations and configurations that modify the system’s out-of-the-box functionality (we use the term out-of-the-box to demonstrate the generic version of Microsoft Dynamics 365, the one that has zero customizations). These solution components may include custom fields, workflows, business rules, forms, or even security roles.

Solutions come in two main types: managed solutions and unmanaged solutions, and each type serves a different purpose in your CRM or ERP customization journey.

Managed solution vs. unmanaged solution: what’s the difference?

Both managed solution and unmanaged solution types have their unique roles. Businesses can use both types, based on their specific objectives and how much control you wish to have over your new CRM system.

At the end of the day, both solutions have their own benefits. It is also common to use both managed and unmanaged solutions at the same time, or changing an unmanaged solution Let’s explore the key differences between them.

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What is a managed solution?

A managed solution is a finalized solution that is sealed, meaning the customizations it contains are protected. You can install a managed solution into an environment, but you cannot directly edit the components inside it. This is ideal for solutions created by third-party developers, such as those provided by Microsoft Dynamics partners, where they want to protect their intellectual property.

Managed solutions offer controlled environments and limited risk, as changes can only be made through updates by the solution publisher. Most organizations opt for managed solutions when deploying to a live environment because they provide consistency and protection for customizations.

What is an unmanaged solution?

An unmanaged solution is an editable solution that developers and administrators use during the development phase. When you first start working with Dynamics 365, you are most likely working with an unmanaged solution. This means you can freely modify the solution components, such as custom fields, views, or workflows, as needed.

An unmanaged solution can later be transformed into a managed solution once all customizations are finalized and the solution is ready for deployment.

Why use managed or unmanaged solutions in Dynamics 365?

There are many reasons that can drive a business to select either one of the solutions in Dynamics 365. It all depends on how much control you wish to have on your CRM software, the capabilities of your existing workforce, but also regulations that you want to put in place based on your business policies.

Flexibility with managed solutions

Using a managed solution ensures that customizations are preserved in a live environment without the risk of accidental changes. Since developers distribute solutions in a managed solution format, it guarantees that users cannot unintentionally alter any critical customizations.

Additionally, managed solutions are often preferred for third-party apps or solutions provided by external partners like Gestisoft. These solutions are sealed and ensure that you’re working with a consistent and secure package.

Freedom with unmanaged solutions

An unmanaged solution, on the other hand, offers flexibility. When you’re in the development phase, you’ll want to use an unmanaged solution to make changes freely and test the solution components.

Developers prefer unmanaged solutions in their development environments because they can add, remove, or modify any customizable solution components as necessary. Once the solution is ready for production, it can be converted into a managed solution for distribution.

Hence, both managed, and unmanaged solution are necessary at different points in time during the implementation and testing phase of the CRM system.

How developers distribute solutions in Dynamics CRM?

In Dynamics CRM, developers distribute solutions in two ways: as managed solutions or as unmanaged solutions. For instance, solution providers like Gestisoft offer pre-built managed solutions that you can integrate into your CRM, while developers within your organization may work on unmanaged solutions to ensure everything is tailored to your business processes.

Whether you’re using an unmanaged solution to customize your workflows or a managed solution from a partner, the ability to choose the type of solution to deploy adds great flexibility to the system. And if you want to know more on what a solution truly is in Dynamics 365, then you can watch the following video that explains the topic.

How to create a solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Now that you understand the difference between managed solutions and unmanaged solutions, let’s go through the steps to create a solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365. You may also want to check out our video on how to create a solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Step 1: Access the solutions menu

First, navigate to the Settings area and click on the “Solutions” option. Here, you’ll see all existing solutions, including any out-of-the-box solutions (those that have not had any alterations) provided by Microsoft Dynamics. We’re going to create a new solution to include your specific solution components.

This is a view of all the system solutions (out of the box) created by Microsoft. We’re going to create our own solution now that will customize the basic version offered.

Step 2: Add solution components

Once you’re in the solutions menu, click the "New" button to create a new solution. On this interface, you will have to fill the required fields indicated by a red star. Those that don’t show a red star are optional.

  1. Display name: Identify your solution so it's easy to recognize.
  2. Name: Dynamics 365 will automatically identify the unique name of your solution. You can modify it before saving, but once the solution is saved, it won't be possible to change its name.
  3. Publisher: It's very important to name the editor, because it allows your organization to trace back to who created the solution.
  4. Configuration Page: the link to an optional status page for the solution.
  5. Version: By default, the basic solution is identified as ‌ If you modify the solution, it's recommended to modify the number of your solution version. Each company can establish their own standards. There's no official method of numbering your versions. The important thing is that each new version number follows an ascending order.
  6. Description: In this field, you can describe the role of the solution, and at each version of your solution you can identify what's been customized. By having the information written into your solution, you can provide an efficient transfer of information.

When all the fields are filled, you just have to click on the Save button and Close. After, the solution will appear in your solution list.

The role of solution publisher in Microsoft Dynamics 365

As you have seen in Step 2, you'll have to identify a solution publisher. A solution publisher allows you to identify its creator and differentiate the customizations from the out-of-the-box features. That way, you can choose a publisher by default, or create a new one.

To do so, you'll need to click on the lens.

Then click on Look up more records.

Click on the New button.

The publisher creation interface will appear.

Enter the name of the publisher and the solution’s unique name. Remember that the name of the editor and its unique name can only be modified before saving.

Display name of the publisher

The description of who the publisher is.

The prefix used to identify the publisher. All customizations that you've created will have the prefix you determine. In the case of Gestisoft, the prefix employed is GS, like you see in the Name Preview.

Enter the publisher's contact info.

You can create these customizations yourself or you can ask for help from a specialist in CRM or ERP implementation like Gestisoft.

When to use managed or unmanaged solution in Dynamics CRM

When working with Dynamics CRM, deciding between a managed solution and an unmanaged solution can be crucial. Here’s a quick summary to help guide your decision:

  • Managed Solutions: Ideal for live environments, when you need to protect your customizations and prevent accidental changes.
  • Unmanaged Solutions: Best for development and testing environments, where changes need to be made frequently.

By understanding the differences, you can make informed choices about how to handle customizations in Dynamics CRM.

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Mastering managed and unmanaged solutions in Dynamics CRM

Understanding the difference between a managed solution and an unmanaged solution is crucial when working with Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365. Whether you need the flexibility to adjust customizations on the go or the security of locking down changes in a live environment, the right type of solution will ensure that your CRM system evolves with your business.

To ensure success, work with a trusted partner like Gestisoft to help you navigate the complexities of managed solutions, unmanaged solutions, and solution components in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Book a consultation today to start optimizing your CRM or ERP system.

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July 24, 2023 by Kooldeep Sahye Marketing Specialist

Fuelled by a passion for everything that has to do with search engine optimization, keywords and optimization of content. And an avid copywriter who thrives on storytelling and impactful content.