Tech Insights 8 min read
4 benefits of ERP and CRM Integration
CRM and ERP integration is essential for businesses aiming to organize resources and enhance customer relationship management effectively.
by Kooldeep Sahye
Dive into our blog articles where we share insights, tips, and the latest trends in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Each post is a blend of expert knowledge and practical advice, designed to provide you with actionable information to enhance your business processes.
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Tech Insights 8 min read
4 benefits of ERP and CRM Integration
CRM and ERP integration is essential for businesses aiming to organize resources and enhance customer relationship management effectively.
by Kooldeep Sahye
Tech Insights 5 min read
5 reasons for implementing an accounting CRM
Accounting CRM is a clear testament to how this type of management software is useful for more than just your marketing and sales departments (contrary to what some may think).
by Frédéric Charest
Tech Insights 12 min read
Top 7 Ways to Reach Your Goals With a B2B CRM
A B2B CRM solution boosts business power—centralizing data, automating marketing, and providing a single view for teams.
by Kooldeep Sahye
Tech Insights 6 min read
7 reasons to use a CRM for architects
Using a CRM for architects is a bit like owning this magical spiral-bound notebook. It’s a Big Computer that will help you achieve your goals and complete your projects on time and successfully.
by Frédéric Charest
Tech Insights 5 min read
7 reasons to use a CRM for tourism for your travel agency
Now considered essential for every business, corporation or organization, CRMs drastically improve customer relationships. While these solutions seem particularly suited to some industries, other sectors also gain many benefits from deploying customer relationship management software. So, how can you benefit from a CRM for tourism? What are the top 7 reasons to use these digital tools? Gestisoft offers a comprehensive, convenient overview of these relevant topics below.
by Frédéric Charest
Tech Insights 6 min read
7 tips for choosing the best CRM for builders
But how to choose the best CRM for builders when there are so many both generic and specialized CRMs out there, each with compelling features, benefits and price points?
by Frédéric Charest
Tech Insights 5 min read
7 tips for choosing the best CRM for recruiters
Among the many aspects that can slow down the recruitment process are the number of CVs received, the multitude of platforms through which candidates contact you, the precise definitions of some positions, and the management of interview appointments.
by Kooldeep Sahye
Tech Insights 5 min read
7 tips to choose the best CRM software for construction
Often, client relations are forgotten in the interest of executing a project. In other cases, it’s some tasks at work sites that are carelessly performed.
by Frédéric Charest
Tech Insights 6 min read
7 Tips on How to Improve Your Sales Process
With a well-defined sales process, your team will be better equipped to succeed. You must always be working to improve the efficiency of the sales process if you want to see your profits increase.
by Lukas Vézina
Tech Insights 5 min read
A CRM to help you prioritize your daily tasks
Have you forgotten any tasks? Do you have too many responsibilities? Here's how a CRM can make your life easier.
by Frédéric Charest
Tech Insights 8 min read
A Practical Guide to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Business Application
This blog offers an in-depth view of Microsoft Dynamics 365 to answer all your questions about the application.
by Frédéric Charest
Tech Insights 5 min read
Activate Action Steps in Dynamics 365 Business Process Flow
There are many more powerful workflow features provided by the Dynamics 365 Business process flow, the careful use of which can help you achieve a lot in terms of productivity and process efficiency. One such new feature is the action step capability, and here is everything you need to know about it
by Lukas Vézina
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