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What are Cloud Security Best Practices ?

Cloud Computing has recently prevailed as one of the most popular practices in IT, mainly thanks to its unequaled ability to provide your company and yourself with high-grade security. As such, it is important to get acquainted with the models in circulation and the importance of cloud security, and to have a complete overview of all the nuances involved. Read on for a full review of best practices in cloud security.

Cloud Definition

A few years back, cloud technology was still somewhat “nebulous”, for beginners and enthusiasts alike. However, thanks to its great potential for scalability and cost reduction, the Cloud has gone from niche to widespread usage.

With the ability to provide access to any service via internet, the Cloud makes it possible to circumvent the need for large infrastructures that are usually involved in supporting IT operations. Whether it is the mass storage of data, web hosting, or even the use of certain ERP-type software, the Cloud enables simple, personal access with minimal resource requirements.

In other words, cloud computing grants a business or an individual remote access to an infrastructure that offers storage space, operational capacity, or even intelligence (artificial or otherwise). As a result, you can enjoy several terabytes of storage, host your site and even use management software, without having to allocate substantial resources for physical servers. The SaaS Cloud Computing solution offers all of the above for a simple monthly subscription.

Due to the remote nature of access, the Cloud must provide its users with professional (sometimes even military-grade) security. Let’s highlight the essentials of security functioning in the Cloud.

How does cloud security work ?

Cloud security is, in fact, quite simple. Whether public, private or hybrid, the Cloud will always provide you with security based on simple yet powerful criteria. If your connections will be secured using an SSL (a data encryption certificate), it will stick to the common practices.

Among other things, you will often be notified of suspicious and unusual behavior by email or telephone, the security status will be accessible to you in real time, and the monitoring of unforeseen events will always result in appropriate reaction.

All in all, Cloud security is rooted in classic web practices, grouped together under the aegis of common sense. Therefore, it is good to know the various security practices in detail when dealing with the Cloud. Keep reading to learn more about them !

Key elements to consider for Cloud Computing security

As mentioned above, Cloud Computing offers you a number of essential services; for this reason, its security must be based on the application of common sense above all. Furthermore, you will also need to:

Choose a trusted provider

It is paramount to do business only with renowned companies on the market. Trusted providers aren’t only equipped with the most modern tools, but also employ efficient teams that guarantee optimal security.

It is thus recommended that you prioritize modern, reputable, and popular services. As such, you’re guaranteed that your data will be secured in the best possible manner, by teams that are capable of responding to any type of problem that may arise.

Understand your model of shared responsibility

You should recognize that cloud security is also based on the safety of your own, personal choices. While your chosen provider’s teams will be able to respond to any attacks or leaks for which their infrastructure may be at fault, you must also be able to prevent security problems originating from your own practices.

In this regard, the Cloud is dependent on two players: the chosen service and yourself. It is therefore important that everyone does their part to ensure the quality of service, and above all, a secure exchange.

Train and control user access

Since you aren’t the only one using cloud services in your company, you should provide training for each one of your users, assign specific access roles, and show them how to properly use Cloud resources.

Most importantly, you will have to ensure that no one has sufficient access rights to take advantage of your data and even take over your Cloud without your knowledge. It is thus crucial to reasonably manage your users, to train them and control their access in order to avoid leaks.

Guarantee the security of data and systems

If you need to ensure the security of your sensitive data up front, your systems will also require the same treatment. Antivirus, firewall, and sound IT practices are key to a secure Cloud.

Similarly, the service that you choose must guarantee your optimal security, notably with a qualified team and support systems in place to manage any type of problem, as well as an up-to-date, well protected infrastructure of their own.

Immediately detect any suspicious activity

Your Cloud Computing company of choice must be able to provide you with a complete report on any suspicious or unusual events.

You should expect to receive reports of erroneous connection attempts, such as a login from an unknown IP address, or malicious attacks. This will allow you to be well-prepared and reactive to threats in real time, with an optimal level of security.

While the recommended practices may appear as common sense, you should already understand why it is important to exercise caution. To this end, we offer you some essential points to keep in mind, but more specifically to recognize why Cloud security remains essential for both companies and individuals alike.

The importance of cloud security for SMEs

There are several points to consider in order to understand the security of the Cloud. To get the best out of it, you will have to position your choice based on these three main tenets:

An essential requirement for VSEs, SMEs or multinationals

It is crucial to understand the need for optimal security in all sorts of companies.

The protection of any sensitive data – whether it is user information or technical specs – goes hand in hand with the management of your business. You will have to prioritize the security of your data as an integral part of your company’s success and sustainability.

Multiple causes and consequences

Of course, some data will always be more sensitive than other, thus the causes and consequences of it being compromised can appear in various forms;

  • Loss of popularity: a variety of leaks can have a negative impact on your website, whether in terms of visibility or in terms of traffic. Search engines, partners, investors and other market players will not support a company that views security as a secondary or tertiary priority.
  • Compliance violation: improper handling or rushed access management can lead to a loss of compliance, or even a violation, which can lead to serious problems that can jeopardize the entire service.
  • A bad Cloud configuration: a bad configuration of the service could lead to exceptional security breaches, giving anyone the possibility to access your data.

While the list of issues is non-exhaustive, you should now understand that the causes, and the consequences, can turn out to be as versatile as they are destructive.

A considerable range of benefits

In contrast to the aforementioned challenges, Cloud security also offers considerable advantages.

For starters, you are no longer the only person held accountable for the security; thus, with responsibilities being shared, you will benefit from professional support to help and guide you along the way. You will also be legally protected against a variety of leaks that were beyond your control.

A highly competitive market encourages companies to strive to be among the best in the world when it comes to security. Recent developments have enabled many employees to work from home, thanks to well-equipped companies that have turned to ever-evolving Cloud services. Teleworking is indeed best suited for the use of the Cloud, which has become a must for many, especially in times of crisis.

The Cloud is of paramount importance in times of crisis

It has become imperative for companies to opt for the best Cloud Computing solutions in order to succeed. An event like the global health crisis of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has influenced many businesses around the world to turn to digital services that facilitate their processes.

Thanks to this technology, it is now possible to transition the entirety of a team to a teleworking environment, all around. With Cloud solutions geared for VSEs, SMEs or multinationals, it would become easy to manage all aspects of the business in an accessible and efficient fashion without losing the collaborative aspect.

Solutions like Microsoft Azure allow for teamwork within the same project, for the same company. Management, HR, marketing, sales, or manufacturing can be fully monitored and managed online.

The overall setup of such a process will be done using a Cloud controlled by your company’s managers that you have tasked with assigning specific accesses to their teams. Inter-collaboration can thus be mastered from A to Z, and all the more so as the level of security in place will be greater compared to its classic physical alternative.

Recent developments in teleworking are proving to be among the main driving powers behind the popularity of Cloud services, because they particularly promote project management through remote collaboration around the clock – many employees have been granted a higher flexibility in terms of working hours. In short, the current context has put Cloud Computing services in perspective as solutions that are more suited than ever to withstand the challenges of crisis, locally and globally alike.

There is no shortage of advantages when choosing a CRM or ERP Cloud software, while limiting as many errors as possible along the way.

Need help with your ERP or CRM software implementation? Chat with one of our experts!

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December 04, 2020 by Frédéric Charest VP of Marketing

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