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Overview of Team Members License Dynamics 365

The team members license Dynamics 365 is just one of the many different types of license that are available for Microsoft’s CRM / ERP platform. Licensing allows you to designate Team Member Dynamics 365 capabilities to particular groups of individuals, and how you use licensing will depend on the specific needs of your business. Let’s find out a bit more about it.

What is a Team Members license Dynamics 365?

Team members license Dynamics 365 is for those users who need regular access to the records in Dynamics 365, but only for certain features. The license grants use rights to a limited set of use cases, as part of a specific application module: Team Members App Dynamics 365.

Your business probably has some people who need regular access to records from within the software, or who need to modify the data in quite simple ways (by entering a timesheet, for example), without necessarily needing to have full access to all the capabilities of Dynamics 365. Team member Dynamics 365 is a type of license designed for these individuals.

Dynamics 365’s licensing identifies two types of user: Full user, and additional user. The aforementioned users are additional users, as opposed to full users. Full users include salespeople, finance employees, customer service employees, and other individuals whose work necessitates access to the full range of Dynamics 365 features. Instead of a Team Members license, they’ll usually have a full Dynamics 365 subscription.

Providing the team member Dynamics 365 license to one of your users will grant them the same kind of access across most major Dynamics 365 applications, including Dynamics 365 Sales, and Dynamics 365 for Marketing.

Team Member app Dynamics 365

Within the Team Members app Dynamics 365, there are three key designated app modules for those with a Team Members licence Dynamics 365:

  • Customer service team member. This module allows employees to create self-service queries for tech, admin, and other problems. They can also interact directly with agents, and search the knowledge base.
  • Sales team member. Users can manage customers, leads and opportunities, and make notes on the records. The module is designed for more lightweight sales scenarios.
  • Project resource hub

The access to Dynamics 365 that is provided by these app modules helps users to work much more quickly and efficiently, showing them only the types of tasks and data that are relevant to them, and allowing them to focus more on their principal roles of building customer relationships, following leads, solving queries etc.

What is Team Member app access in Dynamics 365?

The Team Member app Dynamics 365 access allows users to make use of different features, depending on their role or task.

For Customer Engagement applications, users have the following rights:

  • Create, read, update, and delete contacts, activities and notes
  • Update personal employee information
  • Record time and expense for Project Service Automation, and apply for projects
  • User reporting and dashboards
  • Participate as an end-consumer of Dynamics 365 services such as responding to surveys
  • Team Members application module may be customized with maximum 15 additional entities (custom entities or standard Common Data Service entities) available to the Team Members license per pre-approved application scenarios

For Finance, Supply Chain Management, Commerce, Human Resources applications, users have the following rights:

  • To record any type of time
  • To record any type of expenses
  • Manage personal employee information
  • Manage human resources activities of direct employees or those reporting up through the users reporting chain
  • Human Resources Self Service use rights when the Human Resources application is licensed
  • Create requisitions
  • Create or edit the items related to the following capabilities: quality control and departmental budgets
  • Approval of time, expense, invoices
  • Team Members application module may be customized with maximum 15 additional entities (custom entities or standard Common Data Service entities) available to the Team Members license per pre-approved application scenarios

Team Members in Dynamics 365: customer entities rights

Sometimes in Dynamics 365 data operations, existing standard entities that are provided by the software won’t be sufficient for the task, and special custom entities will need to be created. Team Member Dynamics 365 users, making use of the Team Members app Dynamics 365, have the following use rights with regards to creating custom entities:

  • Create and modify up to 15 additional entities (custom entities or standard Common Data Service entities) per app module for Team Members.
  • All customization must be per pre-approved application scenarios in Appendix A.
  • There is no limit on read rights for Dynamics 365 custom entities

Team Members in Dynamics 365: user rights and capabilities

Team Member Dynamics 365 access gives particular rights and capabilities for Customer Engagement. For a full list of rights as well as restrictions, take a look at Microsoft’s Licensing Guide. Here’s a breakdown, by section, of all the things that this kind of user can do with the Team Members app Dynamics 365:


  • Dynamics 365 Mobile Client Application
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for iPad and Windows
  • Dynamics 365 for Outlook and Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web Application


  • All Dynamics 365 application data
  • Custom Entity data


  • Finance Functionality: Time, Expense and Invoices

Entities: Actions

  • Activity Feeds: post and follow activity feeds
  • Add or remove a connection for an Account or Contact
  • Chat with support team
  • Dialog: start dialog
  • Mail merge: perform mail merge
  • Associate a Marketing list with an Account or Contact
  • Apply for Open Project Position for Project Service
  • Update Project Tasks status for Project Service Automation
  • Use a Queue item
  • Update own Resource Competencies for Project Service Automation
  • Submit time and expense for Project Service Automation
  • Manage direct reports and candidates
  • Manage personal info
  • Manage budgets
  • Use Yammer collaboration

General System Use: Actions

  • Create, update, and delete templates
  • Export data to Excel
  • Use relationships & connections between records
  • Use search & advanced find
  • Create, update, and delete Word templates

Additional Services and Software

  • Dynamics 365: Gamification Fan & Spectator
  • Timesheet management via Project Web App

As for Finance, Supply Chain Management, Commerce, and Human Resources, the Team Member License Dynamics 365 is appropriate for the following roles:

Finance – Administrator

Supply Chain

Human Resources


System User

Data Management operation user

Budget contributor

Positive pay clerk

Project manager, public sector

Project timesheet delegate

Project timesheet user

Cost object controller

Lean waterspider

Time registration user

Vendor contact

Quality control clerk



Pending worker


Absence manager

System User

Data Management operation user

Retail warehouse clerk

Team Members license in Dynamics 365: pricing

There are different pricing options for Team Members license Dynamics 365, depending on how you want to pay for the licensing. Paying per Team Member means that individual licenses can be bought according to how many individuals will need to have the license for the required access. Discounts are available for bulk purchases. Licenses can also be bought per task. Prices:

  • Customer Engagement Team member license – $8 per user per month
  • Unified operations plan (finance, supply chain management, commerce, human resources) – $8 per user per month

Team Members license in Dynamics 365: restrictions

Those with the Team Member license Dynamics 365, using the Team Members app Dynamics 365, will be prevented from carrying out certain tasks. Customization options for entities are particularly limited, and Team Member license holders are also unable to access some features and services. For the full list of restrictions, check out Microsoft’s Licensing Guide.


The Team Members license Dynamics 365 can help you to organize access to your CRM and ERP activities more effectively, giving you more control over who has which rights and capabilities. Gestisoft can help you get to grips with the feature, and decide which type of Dynamics 365 license is right for your business.

For over 20 years, Gestisoft has been helping companies and projects of all kinds with their CRM and ERP needs. We can help you choose the appropriate technology for what you want to achieve, and provide guidance and training every step of the way for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and other solutions. We can also create customized implementations of the software, that are tailored more specifically to your daily operations. Contact us today!

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October 05, 2020