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How Gestisoft creates marketing content in collaboration with its customers

You've probably noticed our customer logos on our website and our posts on social networks. But did you know that we work closely with our customers to create marketing content that showcases their satisfaction and success? Below, we explain how we work with our customers to create marketing content that is both authentic and effective. We also share a few examples of marketing content created with our customers.

Use of your logo and social network announcements

Transparency and confidentiality are the cornerstones of our collaboration with our customers. Unless they tell us otherwise, we proudly display their logo on our website, in our presentations and in our brochures.

We also like to share key moments in our collaboration on LinkedIn. Sometimes we announce the start of a new partnership, the kick-off of a project or the successful deployment of a solution. These publications are made in such a way as to respect the confidentiality of sensitive details.

We understand that some information is confidential and must remain between us. That's why we have implemented strict security measures to protect our customers' data. We never share confidential information with third parties without the express permission of our customers. 

We are proud of our partnerships with our customers and are happy to showcase them.

Collaboration with the Marketing team

In addition to showcasing our customers' logos and highlighting the milestones of our joint projects, we offer our customers the opportunity to collaborate with our marketing team to create content. This can take many forms, such as informative blog posts, engaging social media posts or touching testimonials. For us, these collaborations are tangible proof of the quality of our partnership with our customers.

We love to co-write blog posts with our clients. It’s a great way for us to share their expertise, industry insights, and success stories. By leveraging our online presence and extensive reach, we can help amplify their voice and position them as thought leaders in their field. Our social media collaborations are another great way to share real-time updates, celebrate milestones, and engage with a wider audience on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

And then there are customer stories. They’re the most powerful form of collaboration because they’re a real, honest-to-goodness validation of what we do. Our customers share their stories in a variety of ways, from written case studies to video testimonials. These stories are a great way for you to see how our customers are using our solutions and services, and what they’ve achieved. The enthusiasm and success of our customers is a great testament to the value of working with Gestisoft.

How do we go about this? 

The process for writing customer stories is very simple. Our brand and communications specialist will meet with you for a 30-45 minute discussion where you'll have the opportunity to tell your story. From the transcript of this interview, we'll be able to write all the content we need!

Validation process

Our dedication to producing top-notch marketing content doesn’t stop at our collaboration with our clients. We also have a solid validation process in place to ensure the content is accurate and meets the client’s expectations. Once the content is created, we review and validate it to ensure it’s ready to be published.

Our validation process starts with the content sent to you for review. We believe in the importance of your feedback and we give you two weeks to review the content and make any comments or suggestions. You can ask for changes or additions, and we will make sure to update the content accordingly.

If we don’t hear from you during the two-week period, we’ll consider the content implicitly validated. This implicit validation is a way for you to confirm that the content is accurate and effective. It’s a sign that you’re satisfied with the content and that you trust it to communicate your message effectively.

When we validate content, we’re not just going through the motions. We’re making sure that what we publish is an accurate reflection of your vision and a powerful marketing tool for your success. That’s why we take the time to review and validate all content.

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June 28, 2024 by Lukas Vézina Marketing Content Specialist

Marketing specialist working at Gestisoft since 2017, I firmly believe any subject can be interestingly presented. It just takes empathic and creative storytelling.